#12 Advent Advent Dec 6


Two perspectives - two truthful viewpoints: is resiliency the catalyst for brand build or is the brand the catalyst to enhance a company's resilience".

Our team encountered these two perspectives while picking up your comments and feedbacks on the book Mobility Moves Minds (what you can purchase here e.g.).

Join us for the brand resilience survey intro call - register soon: here .Why is a brand-driven sales approach mission critical to get the goal of 25.000 copies of Mobility Moves Minds sold and be able to contribute to the #homelessentrepreneur foundation?"Change is worth nothing without having accomplished it. Or in other words "no walk, no talk."

Our founder of Mobility Moves Minds, Dr. B (Barbara Flügge) exchanged in her interview by TBCY The Brand Called You her viewpoints on the relevance of brand resilience. Stay tuned - we soon release the video of the exchange of Dr. B with TBCY.

We work hard on the ABC Resilience tool since a couple of months - it will answer your burning questions how to transform / move towards becoming a 21st century well-prepared company - how to move from physical to digital products while obstacles try hard to block the entry door into new markets - the ABC Resilience tool turns into your gamification buddy teaching you about how to ignite the cognitive flexibility of your staff.

Take a look at the Mobility Moves Minds book itself. It is a testimonial of physical to digital moves through the cognitive capacity of the designers to translate the founder's vision of Mobility Moves Minds into a design, brand-driven outcome. And even better: the visual outline is apparent in both print and digital version - stay tuned what might come to cover further communications' dimensions that we built into MMM.

The entire book speaks a language of design. The color code excites the business readers and guides the ones that aim to follow the path of resilience build from Part A to B and to C.

The graphical outline of the R-Tool Framework in Part C is done in a diverse, compelling fashion so that s/he and every*one of us is being addressed. Mobility Moves Minds embraces you to let your focus and your energy concentrate on resilience build - instead of being distracted by stupid and silly moves from those that aim to make you feel insecure about your mission and your dedication.

Schaut euch an, wie Mobility Moves Minds selbst eigene Design-Elemente entwickelt hat, die einer Marke würdig sind. Mehr dazu hier.

Order your copy of the book (English: yellow dot, German: red dot) at retailers, Amazon and here

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Categories: : MobilityMovesMinds